Indian geography for ias prelims
Indian geography for iasprelims
Indiangeography for ias prelims our galaxy
has the shape of a flat disc with a central
bulge. Its diameter is about a hundred thousand
light years. In the nucleus the thickness reaches
ten thousand light years, whereas in the disc it
is five hundred to two thousand light years
thick. general knowledge world geography It consists of stars, gas and
dust; superimposed on the general distribution of the star in the pair of spiral arms. We do not know
exactly how far the Sun is from the centre, but it is conventionally taken to
be 33,000 light years away. importantfacts about indian geography Thus our solar system is relatively far
from the galactic centre. Our galaxy is vast, about
100,000 light years across (a light year is about 9460 billion
kilometers or 9.4607x1012 km in
comparison the solar system seems small of about 12 light years across indian geography for civil services.
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