Science reporter monthly

Science reporter monthly

This article about For the pursuit of  excellence can be seen in the November issue of Science reporter magazine

Sciencereporter monthly AFTER the demise of fabled and widely celebrated theoretical physicist and cosmologist, Professor Stephen William Hawking on 14 March 2018, a sense of void-ness engulfed the academic as well as non-academic circles alike. Science reporter monthly But we are hardly aware of a home-grown scientist based in Calcutta who had a consequential impact on Hawking's research work. In 1915, Science reporter monthly Einstein startled the world through his enigmatic proposed theory 'General Theory of Relativity' (GTR) that transformed our understanding of the nature of space science reporter monthly magazine subscription and time and it also transformed the understanding of classical physics from a new perspective. It is a geometrical theory of gravitation that generalises science reporter monthly magazine subscription Sir Isaac Newton's Law of universal gravitation and special relativity, providing a unified explanation of gravitation as a geometric property of space and time or space-time (that gravitation is not caused due to force but rather manifestation science reporter monthly magazine subscription of curved space and time), with this curvature being generated by the mass-energy and momentum of whatever matter and radiation present.


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